Expropriation boundaries of the eastern ring road of Alexandroupoli
  This dataset is translated from Greek (EL) to English (EN). The original version is here.

Publication: 2015-08-16
Last revision: 2015-11-04

This dataset contains the expropriation boundaries declared for the construction of the eastern ring road of Alexandroupoli. The expropriation was declared by JMD (KYA) 1152249/6554/Δ0010/23-12-2010 of the Minister of Finance and the Minister of of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks (Government Gazette, Series of Expropriations and Town Planning Affairs, No 586, 2010) (ΦΕΚ 586/ΑΑΠ/2010)).

Data and Resources

  • Oρια απαλλοτριώσεων shapefile

    Oρια απαλλοτριώσεων της ανατολικής περιφερειακής οδού Αλεξανδρούπολης

